Sunday, June 29, 2008

Note to Self

When using years old paint, make sure to only paint one wall at a opposed to starting in the middle of the may save yourself some time.

I am diligently working on painting my living room. I had it all mapped out, and all was going according to schedule. I was even impressed when I went to the Home Fix It Up store and the nice helper-man said that yes, my paint was still good and I only had to buy two more gallons of the lighter color...because I either (a) gave two gallons away to someone and don't remember or (b) paint thieves came and stole it during the night. So I'm getting off pretty cheap for painting an entire large room, complete with high ceilings.

The accent wall was first and it looks amazing. 'Cept now, I have to add another "to do" to my list because my mantel looks totally bare and I have to fix that. But being the "smart" home improvement queen that I am, I knew to start with the old paint first. It is, afterall, OLD. Save the new...who knows, maybe in three or thirteen years, I'll want to paint this color again. So I trimmed out everything and started painting the "picture" wall. Then I painted beside the entertainment center. Then I painted over by the door. Then I ran out of paint and opened a new can. Then I noticed a spot I missed, so I went back to the picture wall. Silly me thought that the only reason the "touch up" spot was lighter was because it was wet paint and the other paint was dry. Imagine my surprise eight hours later when the touch up spot was still lighter.

In desperation, I called DH and explained my brilliance. He tried and tried to come up with solutions so it wouldn't be "noticeable". This is also the same DH who suggested I didn't need to move the big, humongous, tall, heavy entertainment center and paint behind it. one was going to see back there.

So I would be finished with project #1 and ready to move on to project #2 except for the small, tiny, minute problem of two different color paints. My only solution - repaint THE ENTIRE THREE WALLS the lighter color. So instead of one nice, smooth coat that covered walls now have two coats of fresh, new paint. Except of course, for behind the entertainment center...I'm waiting for DH and The Dude to be in the same house at the same time so they can take pity on me and move it for me.

But as a side note, I did happen to notice at the paint store a nice long edger-trimmer I added painting the baseboards without trashing the carpet while I was at it. I think that should count as a project in and of itself.

1 comment:

amy said...

Can't wait to see it!!