Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Did Not...

...feed them more than one piece of cake - I promise!

Let me explain these pictures. Several of you read my dear, sweet friend Lynne's blog over at And Babies Make Six and you know all about her triplets and older brother Austin. And you can imagine how much alone time she and her husband get; you can picture how often they get to go on an actual date. Well, Friday was Clif's birthday, my calendar was free on Friday evening, so I went to stay with the kiddos and Lynne got to take Clif out for sushi for his birthday.

Rewind to earlier in the day. Friday is a school day for all four kids; Lynne kept Youngest Child for me because it was a teacher workday. When they picked up the kids, they headed off for Stone Mountain to ride the train and play putt putt. DURING THE BABIES NAP TIME! So there was no nap on Friday. So there was no way the babies would be awake when Mom and Dad got home from their date, let alone be in a mood to eat birthday cake. So we sang and blew out candles before they left; the babies ate cake while they were gone (yes, we saved some for the birthday boy!). Fortunately, there were four people in the house ten and older, which meant there was one big person for every little person. Tyler is going to be the party animal of the group; he ate this birthday cake like there was no tomorrow. That baby enjoys birthdays...his, mine, dad's, or anybody's...he doesn't care - it's a birthday and that means cake. John is usually the neat one of the bunch...notice I say usually because that baby got icing places I didn't know icing could go. He would look at Tyler, rub chocolate through his hair, and laugh. They enjoyed the evening, we enjoyed the evening, Mom and the birthday boy enjoyed the evening. What's a little chocolate among friends?!

Clif took one look at the pictures and couldn't believe they got this messy from one, little, small piece of birthday cake. Well, rest assured, dear internets, that yes, I only fed them each one small piece of cake, and judging from the amount of icing on them, I'm fairly confident that not that much icing went in them.

They were all bathed, squeaky clean, and sound alseep by the time Mom and Dad returned from their nice quiet evening of eating sushi.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

This is all soooo true! Fabthemayor is one of the only people I know who is brave enough to watch all 4 of our kids at this point.

Thanks again!