Friday, January 4, 2008

Drama (and a Gift)

Guess Dear Hubby and I really need to coordinate our calendars more closely...oopsie! I stayed late at school today trying to get ahead ('scuse me, I mean catch up...). I even looked at the clock at one point and decided I wouldn't go to the basketball game to watch Oldest Child dance because her daddy was there and I could go home and keep crossing items off the "to do" list since I was, after all, on a roll. So I get in the car (at 5:45) and call DH:

Me: "Hey, DH, what's going on?"
DH: "Just working."
Me: "What do you mean, just working?"
DH: "Just what I said."
Me: "You mean you're not at the school watching the basketball game?!" (Notice the exclamation point which means panic is starting to to take over...)
DH: "No, remember, I told you I was working over on Friday."
Me: "No, I don't remember that conversation. If I had remembered that conversation, I would have left school at a normal time, gone to the basketball game and watched Oldest Child. But I thought since you were there, I would stay at school and get ahead."
DH: "No, remember I told you I was working over on Friday." (Men are quite the conversationalists, aren't they?!)
Me: "I guess I'm going to the school instead of going home. Glad I called you to check in."

But it turned out to be a really good game. It was the really mean team from football season, and it was the closest game our team has had all year. It has not been uncommon for me to want the opponents to score in double digits, for crying out loud! But the opposing mean team actually had the lead back and forth. Very exciting, I tell you! But in the end, our coach put in two really tall players who normally don't play together - either one plays or the other plays while #1 rests. And we scored the go ahead basket with 2.6 seconds left.

So then, Youngest Child wanted to go home with a friend. And who am I to stand in the way of what Youngest Child wants to do?? So OC and I came home, stopped and picked up Chinese on the way home (have I mentioned DH is working over tonight?!) Talked with The Dude for a little while, then read my People magazine. I live for Fridays when my People magazine arrives in the mail (except when you live in my town and the Christmas season is busy and the postman is busy getting Christmas cards and Christmas bills delivered and 3 of my last 4 People magazines fail to arrive at their destination...another post for another day...Why I Could Never be a Postal Carrier). The Dude even has a fire built in the fireplace when I get home. So I start eating and reading, and the next thing I know, my house is quiet.

Now living at my house and it gets quiet, you'd better go look and see what's wrong. Upon further examination, The Dude is asleep in his room; Oldest Child is asleep in her room; Youngest Child called and asked to spend the night with Friend; DH is still at work. Even the dogs are asleep on the couch right now. I'm lovin life right, the remote, a fire in the fireplace, and an entire night to devote to reading/writing blogs. Yes, there is a God and He does love me!


amy said...

Sounds absolutely fabulous!!! I am happy for you that you got some quality you time, what a gift indeed--

Scott said...

I wish I had a Dude to build me a fire.