Saturday, January 19, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I know now why I live in the south. No snow. And when it does snow, the whole city stops to watch in amazement the small while flakes falling from the sky. Growing up in West Virginia, I have had my fair share of sled rides and snow days. Living in Georgia, we haven't been out of school for a school day for three years.

Had today been a school day as opposed to a Saturday, that would have changed. Oldest Child and Youngest Child have been outside since 1:30 playing. It would be a little different if there were actually, hmmm, snow on the ground...but it's melting as soon as it hits the ground. So basically, I am up for the Mother of the Year award because I am letting my children playing outside in the cold and mud. Guess I'd better clear a place on my mantle for the trophy...and then get the girls inside to warm up so I can send them out again!

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