Monday, May 26, 2008

Wii Twins!

Among the list of things to do this summer is loose some weight (ha ha!). I have an entire closet full of clothes I can't wear and I refuse to get rid of. Internets, I have just given you the unthinkable responsibility of holding me accountable! I also live with a high schooler (geez, that was hard to write!!) who wants to tone up. The simplest solution...Wii Fit. I pre-ordered it from Amazon way back when and forgot about it. Lucky for me it was waiting for me when I got home from school on Thursday. We had such a busy weekend I put it in the closet until tonight when I would have time to sit down and figure out how to hook it up...translated, my technical support would be able to walk me through step-by-step what to do.

So Oldest Child set it up...well, kinda. She got it out of the box and pieces were strung all over the living room. Then she gave up and went to her room. I called Technical Support and got to work. After a few colorful adjectives with explanations points after them, I was all set up and ready to go. Unfortunately, when I entered in all my information, I wasn't the cute, skinny Mii I had once been. Mr. Wii took all my pertinent information and made me...pleasingly plump. Oh, who am I kidding; Mr. Wii made me fat! It can weigh and figure BMI (body mass index) just by taking numbers you put in - amazing! The funny thing is, Lynne and I are in the exact same category with the exact same BMI and we weren't even trying.

Guess I know what that means...the challenge is on! Now we'll have to see who moves down the scale quicker.

1 comment:

amy said...

By the time your summer is over you are going to have to buy new clothes anyway! You are gonna be so foxy!!!!!!