Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh Christmas Star of Midnight

It's been a sad week at our house. Our beloved Midnight had to be put to sleep. Our beloved Midnight that was DH's Christmas present our first Christmas as a married couple. Our beloved Midnight who we have had longer than our children. Our beloved Midnight who has been there through welcoming two children home from the hospital, three moves, countless camping trips, numerous swims in Lake Lanier, and more chewed up tennis balls than I care to count.

We knew then end was inevitable; how many people can say they've had a dog live to be sixteen years old?! But I had complete and utter confidence in our vet and she assured us we would know when it was time. But even through "Snowstorm '09" she was out walking around on the deck trying to eat the snowflakes. She still barked when Spencer barked (whether she could actually hear the doorbell ringing, or knew Spencer was barking so she needed to bark we will never know), she wagged her tail when we came home. Walked around the yard and garage with DH because that was their special time. She wasn't in pain and she didn't suffer.

So in the midst of all the fun we had this weekend, it was bittersweet because a member of our family is gone. Already this week, I can't count the times I've been outside calling the dogs back in and almost called for Midnight. Or done the "dog count" and been looking for #3 when I saw only two. I'm sure there will be many, many more times to come when I call for her, or listen for her bark when Spencer is barking, or think of her when I see a tennis ball lying around.

So thank you, Midnight, for being our loyal, loving companion. Thank you for staying with me during Snowstorm '93 and '09. Thank you for sitting up with us countless nights rocking sick babies. Thank you for welcoming The Dude home from Iraq. Oldest Child thanks you for eating all those vegetables she told us she ate so she could get dessert. Thank you for helping me learn to stay home by myself at night when DH worked night shift....when you barked, you meant business and I'd better get up and see what it was. Thank you for being the best dog a person could ask for.


amy said...

Ooohhh Boo, why didn't you call me?? What do you need? (((((hugs))))) coming your way.
We love you and are thinking of you, and crying with you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to a special furry baby. She sure was a good one.

Oldest Child said...

I miss her. :( alot. It's officially been one week. And I didn't get to say goodbye...